At Bambini Nursery, complementing what you do at home, we guide your child on their first steps into learning. We start with them finding out who they are, what they like and need and work out what might be next on their journey to growing up. Children are at the centre of everything we do and how they learn is what motivates us to be the best we can be.
At Bambini, we are a happy, friendly and professional team. Every member of staff, whether practitioner, management or our admin team is involved in what your child is doing and wants to support them. The children learn to be warm and caring, just as we are towards them and to each other. Our children love making friends (often for life), understanding values and preparing for school. We really teach the children and we learn so much from them each day. And for those who need more support, we give more support.
Our behaviour policy utilises positive praise and encouragement to promote development and good behaviour. We encourage your child to make the right choices in a positive manner following our ‘Golden Rules’, giving them confidence as they very gently learn right from wrong.
Play is the highest form of research.
– Albert Einstein
Our philosophy is all about learning through play. At Bambini, we give the children our time and energy. We model learning (not just tell children), getting down on the floor with children to play and support that learning. We teach them the knowledge and skills they need and often lead, but often they lead too. Most of all, we are partners in play, exploring, discovering, creating and learning together – we have great fun too.
Guided by the government’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our qualified staff make sure your little one fulfils their potential. The EYFS curriculum prepares children for school and for their future learning and success in adulthood. All our planning for the children’s learning is based upon it.
Like all nurseries, we teach the government’s British Values to raise our children to live harmoniously in contemporary society. Values are the ‘big ideas’ that guide us in our lives and determine our thinking and behaviour, and so we ensure that fundamental British Values of ‘Democracy’, the ‘Rule of law’, ‘Individual liberty’ and ‘Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths’ are embedded in all aspects of life at Bambini Nursery.
For more information please click here.
We firmly believe that whole person emotional development should be nurtured when children are very small. We go a step further in providing children with the opportunity to learn important life lessons, by introducing them to the importance of Living Values Education (LVE). Used in many schools in the UK and internationally, supported by UNESCO and designed for use by parents, carers and educators, we have adapted this remarkable programme especially for our Bambini children. And they get so much from it.
At Bambini Nursery, we know how important it is to feel that you belong. With our nursery providing a home from home, we also teach children about the wider local community and their place in it.
We go out to feed the ducks in the park, visit the playground, go to post letters and have even visited the fire station. We enjoy taking part in the world around us.
We also invite parents, carers and other local grown-ups to come into the nursery and show the children what they do for a living. We have had great fun recently with a police officer, a gardener, a publisher, a chef and a talented musical couple who serenaded us. These experiences also give children an opportunity to see what they might like to do when they grow up!
Making sure that every individual reaches their potential at Bambini Nursery involves good observation skills on the part of our practitioners. Knowing the children well, means practitioners design activities that are perfectly suited to their key children’s personal developmental needs.
Our practitioners create a Learning Journey file for each child that tracks them from the first day they start at nursery, to the day we wave goodbye to them as they leave for school.